- South East Dublin Departments of Anaesthesia

Welcome to the Department of Pain Medicine

Profile of Pain Management Service

St. Vincent's University Hospital Department of Anaesthesia Intensive Care & Pain Medicine

Dr Paul Murphy - Clinical Director of Pain Medicine


Pain Management Team :  July - December 2024

Dr Paul Murphy
Dr Paul Murphy Consultant Anaesthetist
Dr Ray Victory
Dr Ray Victory
Consultant Anaesthetist


Dr. Paul Murphy



Consultant Anaesthetist


Dr. Ray Victory


Consultant Anaesthetist


Dr. Hugh Gallagher


Consultant Anaesthetist

Dr. Kirk Levins

Consultant Anaesthetist


Research in Pain Medicine


Dr. Conor Gormley


Registrar in Pain Medicine



Dr. Sean Carolan


Fellow in Pain Medicine


Dr Rosemary Walsh


Senior Clinical Psychologist


Blanaith Brennan


Senior Occupational Therapist



Senior Physiotherapist

Elaine Clear

Staff Nurse CANP - Acute Pain Service



Staff Nurse



Clinical Pain Specialist Nurse


Secretarial Staff


Georgina Heffernan


tel. 01-221-3699 #3581



tel. 01-221-4879

Dr Ray Victory

Dr Hugh Gallagher
Consultant Anaesthetist

Dr Kirk Levin

Dr Kirk Levins
Consultant Anaesthetist